About Us



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Our Story

Nottingham Nature Nook is a non-profit 501(c)(3) wildlife rehabilitation center in East Lansing, MI. At our center we raise and eventually release wildlife baby animals and birds, as well as caring for injured adult animals and birds that are brought to us from the public thereby  providing an invaluable service to the community by filling the gap left by services that concentrate on domestic animals.

After working as a licensed wildlife rehabilitator for many years I have come to realize that the wildlife I heal also heal the people that they connect with. I have found that people will go to extraordinary lengths to save a wild creature and bring it safely to me. The connection that exists between all living beings is felt even stronger when an animal or bird is injured or orphaned. If we look at people, wildlife and nature separately we ignore the energy of life that connects us to one another. In order to bring peace and healing to one we must embrace the whole. When we work to save wildlife we ultimately save ourselves.

Our Vision

Nottingham Nature Nook is both a wildlife rehabilitation center and nature sanctuary in East Lansing, MI. At our rehabilitation center we provide care for wildlife babies and injured adults. At our sanctuary, we foster learning and healing opportunities for people with both horses and wildlife.

My vision for Nottingham Nature Nook is to combine our current rehabilitation center with a nature sanctuary. At the nature sanctuary we will foster learning and healing opportunities for people with both horses and wildlife. Within this sanctuary all of the wildlife that are being rehabilitated, as well as those that have been released will live in harmony throughout the property. As we combine the healing energy of wildlife with our horses, ponies and a miniature donkey named Geneva we will be able to provide a unique opportunity to heal by observing all of these animals in their natural setting. Simply by sitting and watching these creatures, people can feel the peace and joy that comes from being in nature. By creating this sanctuary, the connection between people and animals will be strengthened and healing can begin. 

As we create a sanctuary with these outdoor enclosures we will also be able to provide a unique opportunity for people to observe these animals in their natural settings. Simply by sitting and watching these creatures, people can feel the peace and healing that comes from being in nature. By creating this sanctuary the connection between people, wildlife and nature will be strengthened and established.

Projects in 2024

1. Rebuilding our Fawn Barn with 2 additional stalls for older and injured fawns. (Expected completion: End of January)

2. Electricity to Outdoor Aviary and Fawn Enclosure

3. Educational displays for Fawns and Birds

4. Renovation of the entire first floor of the Nook House which includes the laundry room, kitchen area, and 4 rooms housing small mammals and birds. Bird room construction is planned to begin in early March.

5. Painting of Horse Barns

6. Benches for viewing Wildlife and Horses.

Donations can be ear-marked for one of these specific projects.

In addition to financial donations we also welcome donations of construction material and labor in the construction of these projects. If you would like more details on these projects please feel free to contact Cheryl by email or by phone at (517) 488-7451

Our Mission & Approach

Nottingham Nature Nook is a wildlife rehabilitation center that raises and releases wildlife babies as well as cares for injured adults. We also work to educate the public about the wildlife around them.


A Letter from Cheryl

Happy Holidays

From all the creatures and staff
Here at Nottingham Nature Nook

This year we have continued to work to ensure that the orphaned and injured
wildlife in our community receive the care and love they need to return to their
natural habitats. Thanks to your loyal and generous support we were able to feed
and care for many hundreds of songbirds, small mammals, foxes and fawns that
came to us in need. In addition, thanks to several generous donations, we were
able to begin our Phase 1 renovation and complete construction of our indoor bird
room. Together, with these major improvements and a new baby bird incubator,
we were able to improve our successful bird releases from 50% to 85%.

As our work continues to grow it has become clear that we are in urgent need of
further renovations. The animal enclosures and medical care areas are no longer
adequate to meet the rising needs of the hundreds of wildlife that we rescue. We
are committed to giving these creatures the best possible environment for their
rehabilitation, but to do so, we need help from supporters like you.

Specifically, we are seeking funds to support the unprecedented grant we’ve
received from the Capital Area Community Foundation for $34,000. With this
money we will be able to begin construction of our new medical treatment center.
However, we still need to raise $66,000 to complete the Phase 1 renovations.
You donation will help us: Renovate and repurpose our current space into a
multi-use animal treatment, prep and care space.

Every dollar makes a difference, and any support you can give will directly
impact the lives of the animals that rely on us for their survival. By contributing to
Nottingham Nature Nook, you are not only helping wildlife today, but also in the
future. Together, we can ensure that the Nook remains a sanctuary for wildlife in
need. Please feel free to look at our design plans here on our website. If you have
any questions please text or Call call me at (517)488-7451 or email me at

With Blessings and Gratitude,

Cheryl Connell-Marsh

Our Business Supporters