Years ago when I was guiding a group of campers around the Nook we stopped at an old picnic table beside my small grove of pines. I instructed the group of children to climb up on the table and find a spot facing the pines. As we sat there quietly for a moment I explained to the children that this was my television. It was a special place to sit and watch all the nature unfold around me. As the children sat there waiting, the birds were the first to appear, fluttering in the trees and sharing the seed on the ground. Next the squirrels scampered down the trees, sharing in the birds’ meal. Soon our flock of turkeys appeared in their single file line and one of the boys exclaimed “Look Miss Cheryl! It is the turkey channel! After a time I explained to the children that this was how I spent every morning. When I asked them what they thought of my T.V. all of the children agreed that they felt happier, calmer and more peaceful than watching regular television. Ever since that original time when I am out walking with my camp children at least one of them will ask if we can sit and watch Natures’ T.V.
Over the last few weeks I find myself sitting on this broken down table quite often. I simply cannot watch the television in our home, it only adds to my anxiety. When I sit by myself and gaze at the miracles of nature and wildlife I can find the hope that I am so desperately trying to cling on to. Here, in this magical place, life makes sense. All of the creatures here come together and can co-exist in harmony. In the days that lie ahead I will let nature heal me and in turn I will heal the creatures that come to me for help. Although I cannot heal this broken country I can make a difference in the lives of these creatures, and for now that will have to be enough. My hope is that all of you can find ways to let nature quiet your mind and feed your aching soul.
Love and Blessings, Cheryl